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As a professional makeup artist I receive numerous questions on techniques, skincare, products & the industry! I may not be totally green but a lot of my clients & followers are so if you are looking for healthy and environmentally safe products & regimens then this is the blog to read!! Enjoy!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Question Everyone Wants Answered!

How Do I Become A Successful Artist?

That's quite the question & certainly one that I asked when i first started out....and still ask every now and then! I do suggest you read my introduction first. Remember that every artist is different! I don't have the answers to everything so I can only tell you what I've learned in the last 5yrs I've been freelancing. With this said...i hope this helps in one way or another.

1. Find what type of artist you are : Makeup Counters, Wedding, Theatre, TV, Print, Fashion/Beauty! Whatever your strengths...start there and build up! Some of the best advice I received when first starting out was "Find an artist you most admire, study her work and thrive to do better"...this brings us to the next step!

2. Build a portfolio!!! This is an absolute MUST!!! Your portfolio shows you as an artist...its your identity. So having a great one will only put you at the top. You may find yourself doing A LOT of free work in the first year or two but don't will pay off! Once you have built your portfolio then be sure to send out a mass email to production. PR, Film, Music, and advertising companies in your area to put your work out there. Also look into social networks for industry professionals and sign-up!! This brings us to the 3rd step.

3. NETWORK!!! I cant stress this enough!! You must put yourself & your work out in your community and let people know your here. Never turn down a job if you don't have to. Always remember...YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU WILL MEET, WHO WILL SEE YOUR WORK OR WHOM THEY MAY KNOW!!

4. Build relationships! Everyone has their favorite artists...the ones they go to first. Whether its someone who is already established or someone working up the ranks...find someone you can build a trusting relationship with. Become their Go to Girl/Guy!

5. BE READY TO INVEST!! starting out in any business takes money to make money. There is no simpler way of doing it. Nashville is only capable of so much...if you seek more then you either A. need to relocate or B. need to travel. Other areas will NOT seek you out if you don't establish yourself in those areas as well.

*My personal opinion*
6. Don't fall into a clique!! Attaching yourself to one group of people is so stupid. Branch out and make friends with everyone...whether they get you work or not...having those relationships is just as important. Never limit yourself!

These steps are just the stepping stones so how far you want it to take you is up to you! Good Luck!!

*Live, Laugh, Love to Look Good*

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